Did you know that the microbeads in your facial scrub are helping to ruin our ocean?
Microbeads are little particles of plastic that can be found in face scrubs, toothpaste and body wash. The problem is the microbeads do not get caught in the filters and end up in the ocean and lakes. Microbeads attract pollutants that are harmful to the fish and other animals that eat these microbeads. When little fish eat the microbeads the pollutants go through their tissue and then when a tuna eats the smaller fish they now have those same chemicals in their bodies.
If you want to know if you want know if you're there are microbeads in what you are buying look on the ingredients you will see polyethylene or polypropylene. These are microbeads!
How healthy is the tuna you are eating? Or any other type of sea food?
Could eating harmful pollutants be causing problems like cancer or autism? Microbeads attract pollutants like PCB's, DDT, and pesticides.
If you want to know if you want know if you're there are microbeads in what you are buying look on the ingredients you will see polyethylene or polypropylene. These are microbeads!
*this post was inspired by a school project Emma is doing at Innovations Academy a project based Charter School located in San Diego.